13 Anti-Things that Make CBD Extract a Good Thing

Pure cannabidiol extract, or pure CBD extract as some people like to call it, has a lot of good anti’s to it. Many people view anti as being rebellious, such as anti-establishment, and arguably CBD extract is somewhat anti-establishment. Medicinal benefits of cannabis have been known for centuries, yet the U.S. healthcare system still fights its effectiveness and, instead, prescribes dangerous and addictive medications. Here are 13 conditions with which CBD might help.

1. Anti-Bacterial

Cannabis is a natural anti-bacterial which makes it good for those fighting infection as well as those looking for safer alternatives to their bleach-infused household cleaners. Any area where bacteria is an issue, whether your body or your home, benefits from CBD’s anti-bacterial properties.

2. Anti-Diabetic

Patients who suffer from diabetes have reported that CBD extract has helped them maintain lower blood sugar levels. This is a huge advancement in the treatment of this terrible condition, as some patients do not respond to insulin therapy as well as others do.

3. Anti-Emetic

One of the worst side effects for cancer patients enduring chemotherapy is its related nausea and vomiting. Numerous controlled studies have shown that cannabis helps stave the nausea naturally, which helps cancer patients eat and keep their weight up.

4. Anti-Epileptic

One study at the NYU’s Langone Medical Center supports that cannabis extract reduces the frequency of seizures in epileptic patients. Scientists asked 213 patients to participate in the study, and both children and adults experienced 50 percent less episodes when they consumed cannabis.

5. Anti-Inflammatory

Those suffering from inflammatory diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, may also experience relief if they add cannabis to their treatment regimen. Again, in controlled studies, results have suggested that cannabis works as a better anti-inflammatory than many dangerous pain pills and patches.

6. Anti-Psychotic

Patients who experience psychotic episodes have been shown to be calmed easier and remain calm with regular consumption of cannabis. It is critical to work directly with a psychiatric practitioner prior to consumption, however, as some cannabis has more psychoactive properties than others do.

7. Anti-Spasmodic

Just as CBD extract calms psychotic episodes, it can also calm down your muscles. Many people who suffer from painful muscle spasms, including those in the back and neck, reported relief after being prescribed medicinal marijuana. Cannabis can help calm the painful contractions.

8. Anti-Anxiety

The above goes in line with the fact that many people who suffer from anxiety also report relief after consuming cannabis. When you consider that it helps with psychotic episodes, pain, and muscle spasms, it’s no wonder it also help curb anxiety. This is a natural relaxant…

9. Anti-Insomnia

… which also explains why it helps people sleep. Those who suffer from sleepless and restless nights might experience relief if they consume cannabis extract prior to bedtime. You could infuse your prescribed drops into a relaxing nighttime tea for added benefits.

10. Anti-Ischemic

If you suffer from high cholesterol or you have this condition in your family history, you might want to talk with your doctor about adding CBD to prevent blocked arteries. Some studies show that cannabis helps stop plaque from building in the arteries, which reduces your chances of heart attacks and strokes.

11. Anti-Proliferative

Although inconclusive at this time, some studies suggest that CBD can reduce cancer cell growth, and oncologists and scientists are continuing to look into this possible link. This is wonderful news for those suffering from this horrific disease, as cannabis does not have the awful side effects chemo has.

12. Anti-Psoriatic

Psoriasis is a painful and embarrassing skin condition that has many treatments, most of which are not that successful. Some patients have reported a reduction in their breakouts and relief from the discomfort of psoriasis when they consume cannabis.

13. Anti-Prokinetic

Finally, Crohn’s disease is a misunderstood and horribly painful intestinal condition. Patients with Crohn’s disease experience intense intestine contractions and consistent diarrhea. Cannabis has been shown to reduce the pain and intestinal contractions and help patients gain much-needed weight.

These are a lot of good “anti” things! If you suffer from any of the above, discuss adding CBD extract to your treatment regimen with your healthcare practitioner. There are no guarantees it will work, but according to science and patient feedback, there’s a good chance it will.


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